Participation in the Glocal “Le strade della Fiaba – Fairytale Roads” Conference, Bari 31 January – 1 February 2020
The UNESCO Chair participated, with some lectures, in the Glocal Conference “Le strade della Fiaba – Fairytale Roads”, organized in Bari (31 January – 1 February 2020) by the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Apulia Region, in collaboration with the Encyclopedia Treccani, within the project “Le strade della Fiaba – Fairytale Roads”, coordinated by Laura Marchetti (University of Foggia). The project, looking at the European popular fairy tale as cultural heritage and expression of European identity, wants to develop its research in the geo-storic, mythical and landscape context of southern Italy. The UNESCO Chair is a project partner, with the task of establishing a Presidium at the DiCEM Department of the University of Basilicata as a research and documentation nucleus for Basilicata. In addition, the UNESCO Chair is collaborating, as part of the project, in the construction of the UNESCO candidature of the Fairytale Path, as an itinerary between Puglia and Basilicata, for the enhancement of the landscapes, narratives and cultural exceptionality of the two regions of southern Italy. At the conference were presented the papers of some members of the UNESCO Chair: Ferdinando Mirizzi, Giovanni Battista Bronzini, “un maestro per Le strade della Fiaba”; Mariafara Favia, “Metamorfosi umano-naturale nelle fiabe lucane”; Angela Colonna, “Un paesaggio culturale, locale, universale”; Domenico Copertino, “Fiabe pugliesi sotto il Faro di Molfetta”, Michele Masciopinto, “La Fiaba di Skuma a Taranto e l’antropologia del mare”.