Angela Patrizia Colonna
Researcher of History of Architecture and Landscape (ICAR 18) at the Department of European and Mediterranean Cultures (DiCEM) of the University of Basilicata (UniBas).
She coordinates the Educational Laboratory of Genealogy of Architecture of the UniBas Course of Architecture Studies. She has drawn up, together with Domenico Fiore, the Management Plan of the UNESCO site of the Sassi di Matera (2014). She carries out researches on the landscape heritage and identities of the territories in Southern Italy, on the UNESCO heritage and management strategies; she deals with methodologies of historiography of art and architecture and “genealogy” of historical processes; she researches and experiments on the didactics of the history of art and architecture.
Among her publications: Architettura dell’eclettismo in Puglia nel XIX secolo, Adda 2000 (with M. Di Tursi); I lungomari del ventennio – Puglia, Laterza 2001; Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria, in A. Restucci (edited by), Storia dell’architettura italiana – L’Ottocento, Electa 2005 (with M. Di Tursi); Idee per un laboratorio partecipato, in Comune di Matera, Matera: i Sassi e il Parco delle chiese rupestri. Verso il Piano di Gestione del sito UNESCO, Matera 2012 (with D. Fiore); Laboratorio di pratiche della conoscenza nei Sassi di Matera. Tessiture murarie come eredità del costruito, Archivia 2015 (curatorship, with A. Conte e F.P. Di Ginosa); Genealogia del presente e storiografia dell’architettura, Calebasse 2015; Vincenzo Corazza e gli anni Trenta a Matera. Architetture e piani di un progettista delle istituzioni, Libria 2019 (with D. Fiore e E. Vadini); Creating communities of knowledge and connecting to landscape, in UNESCO, Humanist Futures: Perspectives from UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks on the futures of education, Paris, UNESCO, 2020.